Causes of erection problems in men

One of the causes of weak erections is the current hectic time, work stress and the effort to meet the growing pressures on work performance. The most common causes of insufficient erections include:

Depression, stress, and anxiety

Stress and anxiety meet each of us from time to time. In small amounts, stress can even be beneficial, for example as a motivation to achieve a set goal. In the long run, however, stress and anxiety can harm our health and increase the likelihood of erectile dysfunction in men for this you can use Fildena 100 or Fildena 150.

Lack of movement

By following a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and healthy eating, we increase our chances of a long, healthy active life. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can prevent obesity, one of the causes of erection problems. To maintain good health and minimize the risk of chronic diseases, it is recommended that a healthy adult man exercise for 30 minutes at least 5 times a week.

Overweight and unhealthy diet

Being overweight puts you at risk for various health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. These diseases in turn increase the likelihood of problems in intimate life. Research shows that losing excess weight can help improve erectile function. The first step should be to choose a suitable exercise plan and change your diet.


Diabetes can damage nerves, axillary tissue and small blood vessels in the organ. Nerve tissue damage can mean a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis and a decrease in the intensity of nerve impulses coming from the brain (a condition called neuropathy). Therefore, the onset and maintenance of an erection is more difficult. Damage to the axillary tissue prevents proper muscle fibers stored inside, thereby restricting blood flow to the penis during an erection. Damage to blood vessels is also a cause that prevents blood from flowing into the axillary tissue.

Prostate and colon cancer

The two types of cancer most commonly associated with erection problems are prostate cancer and lower colon cancer. Stress and anxiety associated with the diagnosis of cancer can sometimes make it difficult to maintain a physical relationship.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and its frequency is increasing. There are basically two reasons: men live longer today and prostate cancer is more common in older men; detection and diagnosis have also improved. The prostate produces fluid that is part of the sperm and is stored under the bladder. The urethra leading from the bladder runs through the center of the prostate. Prostate problems can therefore cause symptoms such as increased frequency of urination and more intense urge. These symptoms are usually due to an enlargement of the prostate that is not of tumor origin.

Colon cancer is common in the population. If diagnosed early, the treatment result can be very good. However, surgical removal of a tumor in the lower colon can damage the nerves responsible for an erection.

Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is the common name for a group of risk factors that increase the chances of heart disease and other health problems such as diabetes and heart attack. These risk factors include:

  • Large waist circumference
  • High levels of “bad” fats in the blood, low levels of “good” fats
  • High blood pressure
  • High levels of fasting blood sugar which may signal diabetes

The study showed that 43% of men with problematic erections had metabolic syndrome. Changes to a healthy lifestyle are at the forefront of the treatment of metabolic syndrome. Lifestyle changes include weight loss, regular exercise, followed by a healthy heart diet, and quitting smoking.

Cardiovascular diseases (heart and blood vessels)

Cardiovascular diseases are heart (cardiac) or vascular (vascular) diseases. However, when doctors mention cardiovascular disease (CVD), they usually mean arterial disease caused by the storage of fat in the walls of these blood vessels. These fatty plaques or “hardening” of the arteries are sometimes referred to as “atherosclerosis”. Atherosclerosis can lead to narrowing of the arteries, which then prevents adequate blood supply to body tissues and organs.

Because the penis contains some of the smallest arteries in the body, it can become one of the first organs affected by CVD or atherosclerosis. These small blood vessels become clogged, resulting in a reduction in blood flow to the penis, making it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection. Under certain conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, the likelihood of developing CVD increases. Other risk factors include familial CVD and old age. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, unhealthy nutrition, excessive alcohol intake and lack of exercise may also increase the risk of developing CVD.

High blood pressure (hypertension)

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of several risk factors that can lead to atherosclerosis (fat plates in the walls of the arteries) and hardening of the arteries. When small blood vessels in the penis narrow and become constricted, it becomes more difficult to loosen and fill them with blood during an erection. The result is erection problems to cure ED use Fildena 120 or vigora 100.

Hypertension is more common in men with diabetes, in the family, and in overweight people. Hypertension can be treated with antihypertensive drugs and / or lifestyle modifications (eg weight loss, dietary salt restriction). However, some medicines used to treat hypertension can cause erection problems.

Nervous diseases

The nervous system spreads throughout the body and consists of two main subsystems:

  • The “somatic” system is made up of a network of nerves that lead to our muscles and that also receive information about perceptions such as touch, hearing, sight or smell. 
  • This is a part of the nervous system that we are largely in control of, for example, we can tell the muscles to move.
  • The second subsystem is the “autonomic” nervous system. 
  • These are the nerves that are involved in regulating body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, digestion, etc. They usually do so automatically, without the need for conscious decisions. 
  • The mechanism of erection involves both parts of the nervous system. For example, the somatic system is involved in touches and sensations during intercourse, while the autonomic system controls the reflexes that open blood vessels inside the organ. 
  • Therefore, any disease or injury that affects the nervous system can lead to erection problems.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which problems arise due to “isolation” that separates the individual nerve fibers inside the brain and spinal cord. The rate at which MS develops and the extent of its consequences can vary widely in patients. Some people may be severely disabled after a few years, while others with MS have minimal symptoms that do not progress or progress for at least decades. In general, it is impossible to predict in advance how a person will develop MS in a long time horizon.

MS can affect any part of the nervous system. One of the possible consequences for men is erection problems. Both men and women with MS may have difficulty reaching orgasm. It is difficult to say exactly how many men with MS also have erection problems, as only a few scientific studies have been done in this area so far.

Spinal cord injury, like MS, can be incredibly variable in its consequences. Erection problems are more common in men who have suffered lower spinal injuries. Up to 75% of men with spinal cord injuries are unable to get an erection sufficient for penetration.

Parkinson’s disease, stroke, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease are examples of other neurological diseases that can lead to erection problems.