Movies worth watching on Netflix!

Netflix- the streaming partner has wiped out boredom during this corona season. When people do not dare to step out of their homes, this exclusive entertainment partner has brought theatre to your homes. We can see lots of people glued to their television to kill their time, these days.  

Netflix never fails to entertain its viewers as there is a surge of new movies coming one after another frequently. It has a huge catalog of movies that caters to every person’s choice. You can always look forward to Netflix to spend your little time worth watching along with your couch partner. 

Here goes the list of Best Netflix movies we have picked for you. It will work as a guide to help you get the best out of this excellent streaming partner!

1.Eurovision song contest- The story of fire saga: 

Everyone likes comedy and comedians. But this movie is not just another comedy movie. It is perhaps one of the best NetFlix movies. Get prepared to laugh till your gut pains, but you will be left teary-eyed towards the end. 

The director David Dobkin has effectively combined comedy along with emotions that will give a mixed feeling watching this movie. This movie features the stories of different talented musicians as well as friends. This features the musical journey of friends from Iceland who take part in the Eurovision song contest that help them to showcase their talents. 

This talent show happens to test their bond with one another that makes us feel so emotional throughout this film.

 Cast:  Will Ferrell, Rachel MacAdams, Dan Stevens.

IMDB Rating:  6.6/10

2.ET- The extraterrestrial: 

Are you a Sci-Fi movie buff? Are you the one who ponders for hours guessing how aliens look like and where are they from? 

This Steven Speilberg film will delight your senses as they make you think about the cosmos. This movie shows how accidentally the aliens left among their group to give answers to our constant quest for our knowledge to know about these strange creatures. 

This is an ageless fiction movie that will entertain you from the beginning until the end. This film showcases the life of a single mother who lives with her two sons and a daughter. One day her younger brother finds out something peculiar in their backyard, which turns out to be an alien.

Cast: Elliott, Dee Wallace, Robert MacNaughton, Drew Barrymore.

Rotten mangoes:  98% of the people who watched this movie liked it.


This is a wonderful movie that brings before the audience the struggle of Afro-Americans. The documentary movie -13th is another wonderful movie by the director of SELMA movie. Av Du Vernay, through this film, brings to light the wrong and mass arrest of the black minority through the 13th amendment of the American constitution. 

You can see how the media and the government use the power vested by the 13tth  amendment to create a new era of slavery. This is a BAFTA award-winning movie that will make you rethink the concept of humanity.

Cast: Angela Davis, Newt Gingrich

IMDb rating: 8.3

4.Marriage Story: 

This film is a fictional story of a couple who faces the most common problem of this era- incompatibility. The director Noah Baumbach shows how a couple starts their living thinking of their life together forever collapses like a pack of cards. 

In between their journey, they realize the future they want to build together is different and there is no reason to be together. Somewhere deep inside their hearts, they both retain the feeling of love for each other intact.

Cast: Adam Driver, Scarlet Johansson

IMDb rating: 8/10


This is a horror story about a notorious serial killer during the ’60s and ’70s in San Francisco. Despite the several attempts to catch him, every mission failed to bear fruits. Throughout the movie, the director David Fincher shows the humble efforts of a cartoonist to decode the mysterious message. His mission starts when the killer sends the message to the paper’s editors.  You will be a bundle of nerves because of the nerve-wracking experience it gives the viewers.

Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo.

IMDb rating: 7.7/10


There is no dearth of quality movies on Netflix. The above write-up about the best Netflix movies will help you spend your leisure time watching wonderful movies. You can choose your favorite movie based on your interest. 

From horror movies to science fiction movies, Netflix is an ocean of films that can satisfy your wish to watch a movie depending on your mood. There is a big catalog of motion pictures that will rekindle your curiosity to come back to check for more. The streaming of fresh movies happens every week that will help you relax during your spare time watching some of the wonderful movies!